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Stylish and sophisticated, Funchal is the bustling capital and main tourist resort on the island of Madeira which in 2008 celebrated its 500th anniversary as a city. Its name derives from the Portuguese word for fennel (funcho) apparently after Italian sugar merchants noticed how the plant grew in abundance on the cliffs surrounding the bay.

It was discovered by João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz Teixeira in 1419, who were sent out to find more land with the objective of suppressing the significant shortage of cereal on the mainland. Madeira became one of the most important strategic points for Portugal during the Discoveries Period. It eventually grew as a result of the sugar and banana trade, and with the export of Madeira wine to England in the 17th Century. 

Today, Madeira has around 240,000 inhabitants and derives most its wealth from the tourism industry, which boasts scores of luxury hotels along the bay’s waterfront. It enjoys an all-year-round warm climate where average temperatures remain between 19 and 25ºC. What is significantly special and unique about Madeira is how it offers such a dramatically different landscape. A tour around Madeira will show you the beauty of the high cliffs that provide breathtaking views; rounded hilltops covered with an infinite lush green vegetation; banana plantations and vineyards suspended on steep hillsides; and the beautifully preserved villages dotted around the island. The typical Portuguese houses and churches, with whitewashed walls and low tiles roofs offer a picturesque walk. 

Funchal is a particular magnet at Christmas and New Year when the entire bay is lit up with what is considered to be one of the best New Year firework displays in the world. The busy harbour also frequently sees tall ships from around the world, often brightly decked out in bunting and flags. It maintains the feel of its past whilst offering a vibrant lifestyle with trendy, up-beat places.


Places to See

Avenida Arriaga (Arriaga Avenue)
Explore Funchal on foot starting at this beautiful avenue alined with jacaranda trees.  From here you can easily reach the cathedral and many of this city’s cultural attractions. Don’t miss out on the Adegas de São Francisco (wine cellars) belonging to the Madeira Wine Company, the wonderful Jardins Municipais (gardens) and the monument to Prince Henry the Navigator.

Convento de Santa Clara (Saint Claire’s Convent)
This convent was built for the Santa Clara nuns at the end of the 15th Century. Its walls are decorated with stunning blue tiles (azulejos) from the 17th Century. Rumour has it that João Gonçalves Zarco (Madeira’s discoverer) and his family are buried in the church crypt. 

Forte de São Lourenço (Saint Lawrence Fort)
Once part of Funchal’s extensive sea defences, this 16th Century fort is now used by the Madeira City Council. You can visit the North Bastion where there is a small but interesting exhibition about the history of the fortress.

Reid’s Palace Hotel 
Sissi, Empress of Austria, Winston Churchill, Captain Scott, and Princess Stephanie of Monaco have all stayed at this opulent 19th Century hotel. Nothing is better than to spend a lazy late afternoon sipping tea, eating scones with jam and admiring the view of Funchal Bay from the terrace.

Mercado dos Lavradores (Farmer’s Market)
A truly sensual feast for the senses is to be had at this colourful market, which sells an array of exotic and mouth-watering fruits, vegetables and some locally grown flowers.

Blandy’s and Palheiro Gardens
Rare and exotic trees, shrubs, plants and flowers from all over the world thrive at these well-tended botanical gardens located 1.9 miles (3 kilometres) east of Funchal on the road to Camacha. The estate has been owned by the famous wine merchant family, the Blandy’s, since 1885.

Quinta do Bom Sucesso Botanical Gardens
These fabulous botanical gardens house some 2,000 species of tropical and sub-tropical plants in an 8.6 acre garden that used to belong to the Reid family who once owned the famous hotel of that name. Take an afternoon out to admire the exotic flowers, enjoy a coffee at the café terrace, admire the panoramic view over the Bay of Funchal from the Belvedere Terrace and finish up by visiting the aviary stocked with exotic and colourful parrots.


Porto Santo


Famous for its five and a half miles (9 kilometres) of golden beach, the island of Porto Santo, situated 22 miles (37 kilometres) northwest of Madeira, has in recent years become a popular golfing destination. A challenging golf course designed by Spanish golf legend Seve Ballesteros is one of the main attractions of this relatively undiscovered island.

Porto Santo was discovered by the Portuguese explorers João Gonçalves Zarco and Tristão Vaz Teixeira who were blown off course during a storm.

These days the island is developing eco-tourism and is fast becoming a magnet for hikers, cyclists and horse riding enthusiasts. Lovers of water sports may go diving and snorkelling, windsurfing, water skiing and fishing.

The capital city, Vila Baleira, was home to Christopher Columbus before his expedition to the Americas, and it is said that it was in Porto Santo that he planned the journey that changed the world. There is a small house open to visitors where it is suspected that Columbus lived. Here you’ll find a collection of maps and other navigational instruments of his time.

This small volcanic island has incredible land formations, shooting up into the sky, known as “Picos”. From these peaks you may enjoy fabulous panoramic views of the island and   of its natural surroundings. To visit the island you may take the ferry from Funchal, which takes approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. You may also fly in on a light aircraft with regular daily flights that take around 15 minutes.  


Places to see

Vila Baleira 
Vila Baleira is the small capital of Porto Santo. Quaint whitewashed cottages, little squares and cobbled streets are lined against the seafront making Vila Baleira a peaceful and picturesque town. With a population of only 2,600 inhabitants, it transforms into a bustling centre in summer, when cafés, bars and restaurants open their terraces, and shops are busy attending tourists along the Rua João Gonçalves Zarco and the Pelourinho square. 


Casa de Cristóvão Colombo (Colombus’s House)
Historical records show that the world-changing explorer, Christopher Columbus, first arrived in Porto Santo around the late 15th Century. This Genoese born navigator arrived as a representative of the sugar merchants from his home town. He met his wife Filipa Moniz here and is said to have lived in a small house in Vila Baleira. This is now a museum, showing a collection of navigational instruments, maps, and all sorts of tools from the time.

Religious Architecture

Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Piedade (Church of Our Lady of Sorrows) 
This charming little church, consecrated in 1430, is famous for its aquamarine azulejo medallion that is embedded into the building’s white façade. In the mid-16th Century it was nearly entirely destroyed by pirate raids, and by the 17th Century it was almost completely re-built in a Baroque style, preserving only the Mudejar Chapel from its original form.


Pico do Castelo (Castle Peak or viewpoint)
Three miles (five kilometres) north of Vila Baleira are the ruins of an old fortress where locals used to take refuge when the island was subjected to pirate attacks in the 15th Century. Nowadays, the Pico do Castelo is one of the most beautiful viewpoints of Porto Santo, overlooking the copper coloured land leading down to the ocean. 

Fonte da Areia (Sand Fountain)
It is said that whoever drinks the waters at the Fonte da Areia, is blessed with eternal youth! Located on the coast, about four miles (6 kilometres) from Vila Baleira, is this bizarre and beautiful sandstone formation that surrounds a natural spring. 

Pico das Flores (Flowers Peak or viewpoint)
From this viewpoint in Porto Santo, you can practically see the entire island, as well as some of the deserted islands of Madeira surrounding it. You may enjoy a picnic here, whilst contemplating the breathtaking panorama.


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