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Jorge, Fernando Neutel


Image consulting, golf pro, guide


Portuguese, cheerful, easy-going, friendly and helpfull.

I'm head golf profissional, photographer and turist guide. I taught golf for 10 years.


I've lived and worked in different countries during nine years - Spain, England, France, Switzerland, Morocco and Mauritius Island. I taught golf for 10 years.


People, nature, sport, culture, art, science and technology - these are my passions. I love meet people and different cultures.​ 




Joana Velho


Photographer and turist guide


I love meet people and different cultures.​ 



"With a polite urban caddie, kindness is a profession in its own right and that profession is more than a job, it's a lifestyle, it's a form of life".


The UC (urban caddie), upholding our spirit.


The UC is the ambassador of our organization, spirit and upholds the company's values. In addition to their professionalism and know-how is added a way of being, which brings them close to customers and produces moments of happiness, kindness, conviviality, friendliness and humour.

G.Os, creating the bond

They have a special taste for team work. For them, the notion of solidarity means something.  Thanks to their generosity and competence, UCs personalise service to customers. Passionate and friendly, they represent the joy of living and love to share it. They have a festive spirit. Curious about everything, they create bonds and are able to adapt easily to the personalities and cultures they meet.

G.Os, spreading the joy

UC's are tolerant and open to the diversity of the world around them and respectful of each person's differences. Their know-how and refinement allow them to contribute to the upscale service and atmosphere proposed by uor service, to customers. By combiningknow-how and the right attitude, they rise to the challenge of self-revelation.


The Urban Caddie is some one who look for the plager of our clients, permanently . He is also the founding pillar of all service.


The aim of life is to be happy. The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now.

<<The "Urban Caddie attitude" is all about making life more beautiful, creating an alternative way of experiencing time, leisure and work, beyond cultural differences and social barriers.

It also means making human values a priority by forging genuine links that being people together.>>


  • To respect people and cultures as well as our enviroment and heritage. 

  • To be giving and generous, open to the world, approachable and ready to listen.

  • To provide a dream, good humor and enthusiasm.

  • To facilitate friendship and new motivation.

  • To help our Gentil Member's and Urban Caddie's discover one other and go further than ever before in making the greatest, widest dream come true - including those that seems unattainable.

  • To iniciate others into new "experiences" through leasure, culture and sports.

  • To build genuine connection among people and a friendly atmosphere.

  • To imagine, breaking free from the expected and going in new directions, free of any prejudice or taboo.

  • To help everyone discover the art of doing things together or alone (sports, activities) or the art of doing nothing (meditating, contemplating) and  also the art of working together as a UC's.

  • To "cre-activate" by being open, constantly anticipating with limitless innovation, while knowing how to improvise; a unique mixture of criativity and action (cre-activity). Cre-activity is the art of having your feet firmly on the ground - your head in the clouds.

  • To organize, being individually professional and exacting; collectively demanding in managing the common heritage with responsability, efficiency and autonomy.


GM's - Gentil Member of our friendly family.

UC's  - The gentle Urban Caddie is someone who help, support and guide our GM's. He's also a "gentle organizer" always available to accompany the GM's during their activities, meals and entertainment.

Origin of the term "Caddie"


The term is used in golf to designate the person who guides and helps the player during round, giving insightful advice, all the necessary information and moral support to get the best possible performance.




We aim to satisfy as many travelers as possible, on discovering Portugal, using the diversity of our destination and our own skills, to fulfill them according to their own demands.




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